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Customizable global keyboard shortcuts#63

I have some other apps that use the same keyboard shortcuts as slash but since slash shortcuts are global the app shortcuts get overriden.

5 years ago

+1 it’s a big issue for me when coding. I was just doing a replace all in visual studio and my usual shortcut was overriden and instead i get a bunch of gifs on completing all my tasks :)

5 years ago

Oof that is not good. Which shortcut was it, @Anders Schmachtenberg? Unfortunately this isn’t the easiest task, but I’ll move it up on our board since it has the ability to break other apps.

5 years ago

it’s the command-option-enter (used to trigger the replace all, and used to start slashing). thanks for looking into it!

5 years ago

p.s. loving the product in general. great stuff!!!

5 years ago

I have Cmd+Opt+N for Safari Move Tab to a New Window (or whatever it is in English, I’m using a Finnish macOS) and Slash takes over that for New Task. I need to customize Slash keyboard shortcuts.

5 years ago

Moving this up in priority now

5 years ago
Changed the status to
On Dev Roadmap
5 years ago

glad to see this moved up! Adding my vote as well. I use omnifocus as my “primary” task manager and the open new window shortcut is overridden by slash quick entry.

5 years ago

Yup seems like this is majorly problematic for a lot of users. I’m going to see how easy the code will be to allow customization, and worst case add a disable for now to ease that frustration.

5 years ago

Thank you Jordan! I’m still on trial tasks but if you keep Slash as simple as possible – but more customizable to each user’s keyboard shortcut enviroment – I’m ready to consider paying for this.

Me too, I’ve paid Things from Cultured Code to act as my heavy task manager, but I’m all the time losing my focus with it as the management just takes too much effort.

I like how I can keep the daily list big on Slash and just not think about it. I worry if I make all kinds of multiple lists and recurring tasks and scheduled tasks and what-not to it I will lose my focus once again as I’ve lost it in Things (even though I love how well it’s designed and executed!) as more than one list for the day is just simply too much.

Thank you for this refreshing take on task management. (currently I can’t change the size of Slash window for whole screen – don’t know why)

5 years ago
Changed the status to
In Development
5 years ago

Hey all, I just completed the code to allow you disable or enable each individual global shortcut. This is a halfway point so make the app usable until I have some more time to do the extra 50% of allowing you to customize the shortcuts instead of disabling :) I’ll post here again when it’s been pushed to the beta app, and then again when it’s in production.

5 years ago
Changed the title from "Ability to customize global keyboard shortcuts" to "Customizable global keyboard shortcuts"
5 years ago
Changed the status to
On Dev Roadmap
5 years ago
Merged customize shortcut#518
4 years ago

I just wanted to reemphasize the importance of customizable shortcuts. (espcially global ones! but it shouldn’t stop there)

Consider puting them all in a Mac-Os Application Menu.

Then we can customize them under the Keyboard System Preferences. And you can add a text to the shortcut section of your settings, telling us that this is popssible.

4 years ago

@Hurty18 That’s a great tip! I’ll look into this, which sounds like it will be much easier than creating a UI for customizing shortcuts

4 years ago